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TDR Podcast #26: My sacrifice shares the wisdom of selfishness and satisfaction
Joel reads the crew his dad resume and takes the mantle of Dad General. Simon doesn't want a BBQ for his birthday. Dorah Jacson closes...
The End
The end – is always between beginnings. Everything ends: days, years, movies, moods, eras, careers, good times … and bad. And always...
Video games and life as a parent
My brother presents the contrarian view of video games as a counter point to a discussion on our mini-podcast, which you can listen to...
TDR Podcast Episode 25 - No small talk
The team discuss kids sport, waiting room etiquette and Chris' lack of small talk skills. #podcast #kids #kidssport #sport #parenting...
It's elementary ...
A report, commissioned by the NSW Education and Standards Authority, has found no improvement in maths and reading among students in a...
TDR Podcast Episode 24: The Relaunch Death Show
The crew returns and celebrate the relaunch with a discussion about death. Listen on iTunes Listen on Stitcher #podcast #dadregime #dads...
The story of C
There’s a story about a university campus that goes something like this: They constructed all the buildings but didn’t construct any...
Rise (Thank you, Millie)
Such is the way of the world You can never know Just where to put all faith And how will it grow I entered December with Eddie Vedder’s...
TDR Podcast Episode 22: Wining the war of parenthood through battles of conversation
Chris responds to listener feedback. Joel finds out about 9/11. Joel and Chris reflect on the things their fathers have left them and how...
TDR Podcast Episode 21: Do'in it for the nookie
Joel realises he's almost old enough to be a grandfather and has a musical psychosomatic flashback. Chris and Joel than discuss music...
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