Dad Regime Podcast is here!
When you’re young you constantly learn new things. New things are amazing, intriguing, and captivating. Much of my youth was spent in awe of new things and learning to do new things, practicing a new skill or copying an expert. When we’re young, that’s expected of us – trying new things.
As I’ve gotten older that’s changed a little. In my personal life I’ve gravitated towards the things I know – it’s safer that way, right? Professionally, I pushed some boundaries on a few things and that’s lead me down numerous learning pathways. The thing it’s taught me though, it that we’re never more passionate than when we’re learning something new.
And so, I’m learning to podcast. That’s the thing I’m passionately learning to do right now. There’s a group of us learning to do it, and to be honest, we’re pretty awful at it (at least I am, anyway), but you always are at the start. We’re having fun, learning something new, and sharing an experience. Which is just what we tell our children is the important thing.
The Dad Regime Podcast is available on iTunes and Soundcloud