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Mission: 2 Ingredient Cookies
Mission: Father/Son Cooking Description: 2 Ingredient Cookies (maybe 3) Difficulty: Low Briefing: We have a horrible kitchen. It's...
What is The Dad Regime?
We are all making this up as we go along. Some of us do a better job of pretending we know what to do. A few of us genuinely believe we...
What is the sound of your childhood?
Lego. That noise … of searching through a box of Lego is a distinctive sound from most of our childhoods. I hear it and have to look –...
Misson: Lego and an iPad
Mission: Quality play time Description: Something constructive to do during screen time that's not episodes of Paw Patrol and lame iPad...
Cliff Richard is helping my children
When I was younger and I was travelling overseas, there were a few things that I used to do to help me immerse myself in the culture: Eat...
The argument
Method A My intention was pure. I was well meaning I was only doing my best. You don’t know the whole story. If you only knew the truth...
Winning ...
Do you have what it takes? Will you train harder than the others? If you’re not training someone else will be. Will you make the...
Presto: How I made over 100 pounds magically disappear
I didn’t make 100 pounds disappear. I did lose over 30 kilograms last year and this guy - Penn Jillette, is a big reason why. Between the...
Give a kid a hammer
Photo by Jerry Swiatek : CC2.0 Not too long ago that I was talking to a friend who was having some minor plumbing issues at his house;...
Holiday boredom? Here's a tip
Do you know what I hate? People that tell you how to “beat school holiday boredom”, like those pompous, self-righteous, upper middleclass...
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